Bedtime Check-in


Your kids will know what’s important to your family by the questions you ask and how often you ask them. Create a bedtime habit of checking in with your kids about things you want them to know and grow in. You’re the best person to teach them about courage! This month, help them understand what courage looks like in our everyday lives with these bedtime prompts. 

Ask them for anything they might be worried or fearful about.

Kids don’t know what stress is. But they do know if they’re too nervous to eat breakfast before school or worried about going to practice that night. Help them identify anything they might be fearful of and begin to talk about what showing courage in that area might look like. 

Talk about courage when you see it. 

The best way for your child to understand what it looks like to stand up for what’s right is to show them. Highlight the everyday courageous actions of the real-life people that are all around us.

Care for people first.

It’s always the right thing to care for and value people. When your kids are guided by a basic sense of compassion for others, the courageous actions often become clear.

Remind them they are not alone.

Sometimes when you stand up for what’s right, you find yourself standing alone. Let your kids know that you admire them for standing strong. Remind them that though they may feel alone, in truth, they are never alone. None of us are. God is always with us and has promised that he will be with us wherever we go!

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

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